Eric M. Fink
Elon University School of
Associate Professor of
Law, 2007-present
- Tenure awarded 2012
- Jennings Professor and Emerging Scholar, 2010-2012
Teaching 2024-25
Other Courses Taught
- Administrative Law
- Business Associations
- Cause Lawyering
- Consumer Protection
- Labor Law
- Socio-Legal Perspectives
Journal Articles
“Just When I
Thought I was Out …”: Post-Employment Repayment Obligations, with
Stuart Lichten, 25 Washington & Lee Journal of Civil Rights
& Social Justice 51 (2018)
Organizing & Collective Bargaining for Incarcerated Workers, 52
Idaho Law Review 953 (2016)
Syndicalism: Worker Control in Public Services, 14 Nevada Law
Journal 444 (2014)
No Money,
Mo’ Problems: Why Unpaid Law Firm Internships Are Illegal and
Unethical, 47 University of San Francisco Law Review 435
The Virtual
Construction of Legality: “Griefing” and Normative Order in Second
Life, 21 Journal of Law, Information, and Science 89
Law School
and The Web of Group Affiliation: Socializing, Socialization, and Social
Network Site Use Among Law Students, 27 John Marshall Journal of
Computer and Information Law 325 (2010)
Liars and
Terrorists and Judges, Oh My: Moral Panic and the Symbolic Politics of
Appellate Review in Asylum Cases, 83 Notre Dame Law Review
2019 (2008); reprinted in 29 Immigration and Nationality Law
Review 45 (2008); cited in Djadjou v. Holder, 662 F.3d 265 (4th
Cir. 2011) and Zuh v. Mukasey, 547 F.3d 504, 513 (4th Cir. 2008)
Post-Realism, or
the Jurisprudential Logic of Late Capitalism: A Socio-Legal Analysis of
the Rise and Diffusion of Law and Economics, 55 Hastings Law
Journal 931 (2004)
Book Note, The Caribbean: New Dynamics in Trade and Political
Economy, 28 NYU Journal of International Law and Politics 644
Chapters, Reports, &
Other Publications
Student Loan Servicing: Contract Problems and Public Solutions, with
Roland Zullo, Jobs With Justice Education Fund (2014)
Union and Employee Access to Employer E-mail Systems Under Federal
Labor Law, with Stuart W. Davidson, in The CyberUnion Handbook:
Transforming Labor Through Computer Technology (A. Shostak, ed.,
Contributing Editor, The Developing Labor Law (P. Hardin,
ed., 4th ed. 2001)
Conference Presentations
Academy of Legal Studies in Business
Annual Meeting
- The Economic & Social Impact of North Carolina HB2 (November
Brook University, Center for Study of Working Class Life
How Class Works Conference
- Police Union Contracts & Police Violence Against Civilians (June
of Idaho School of Law, Idaho Law Review
Annual Symposium
- Union Organizing & Collective Bargaining for Incarcerated
Workers (April 2016)
ABA Section of International
Spring Meeting
- Unpaid Law Student Internships: Legal & Ethical Issues (April
UNLV Boyd School of
Law, Nevada Law Journal
Workplace & Democracy
- Worker Self-Management in Public Services (February 2012)
Institute for the Sociology of Law
Social Economy Conference
- Worker Self-Management in Public Services (July 2011)
Association of Law Schools
Annual Meeting
- Panel on Internet Culture and the Law (July 2011)
- Legal Consciousness in the Second Life Virtual World (August
- Panel on Academic Legal Blogs in Scholarship and Teaching (August
Law and Society Association
Annual Meeting
- Legal Consciousness in the Second Life Virtual World (May 2010)
Public Talks & Workshops
North Carolina Bar
- CLE Program: Ethical Issues in Guardianship Practice (October
Incarcerated Worker
Organizing Project
- Union Organizing for Incarcerated Workers: Legal Obstacles and
Opportunities (September 2023)
National Society
for Experiential Education
National and Regional
- Legal Issues in Experiential Learning (2010-2019)
UNC Greeensboro
Alpha Kappa Delta
(Sociology Honors Society)
- Sociology in Legal Practice and Legal Scholarship (April 21,
Gamma Theta
Upsilon (Geography Honors Society)
- The Place of Place in Law: Law and Geography (April 24, 2008)
Elon Law School
National Lawyers Guild
- Mass Incarceration & Prison Labor (February 21, 2017)
Harris, Friedrichs, and the Implications for Union
Organizing November 23, 2015)
- Corporations and Campaign Finance (September 20, 2012)
Citizens United, Corporations, and Democracy (July 18,
Federalist Society
- Pros and Cons of a Minimum Wage Increase (November 16, 2016)
Rockingham County Democratic
Annual Convention
- Keynote Address: Taking Democracy Seriously (April 8, 2017)
African-American Caucus
- Voting Rights in North Carolina (February 18, 2017)
Open Government
Coalition/Sunshine Center
- NC Open Government Law: A Guide for Public Officials (October 22,
- Forum on NC Public Records Law (March 20, 2008)
State Employees
Association of North Carolina
- Public Employee Unions and Collective Bargaining (October 17,
- The Labor Movement and Labor Law in 2009 (September 8, 2009)
NC/SC Labor and Employment
Annual Meeting
- Family Responsibility Accommodation and Discrimination (October, 18,
Past Teaching Experience
Stanford Law School, Palo
Alto, CA
Lecturer in Law, 2004-2006
- Legal Research and Writing
St. Joseph’s
University/Comey Institute, Philadelphia, PA
Instructor, 1997-2003
- Labor Law; Negotiations; Arbitration; History and Sociology of the
U.S. Labor Movement
College, Prague, Czech Republic
Lecturer, February- October
- Introduction to Sociology; Economic Sociology; Sociology of Law
Legal Practice
Leonard Carder,
LLP, Oakland and San Francisco, CA
Associate, 2006-2007
Seamans Cherin and Mellott, Philadelphia, PA
Associate, 2002-2004
Willig, Williams
and Davidson, Philadelphia, PA
Associate, 1997-2002
New York
University School of Law, New York, NY
J.D., magna cum laude, 1997
- Arthur Garfield Hays Civil Liberties Fellow
- Journal of International Law and Politics, Symposium Editor
- Order of the Coif
University of Chicago,
Chicago, IL
Doctoral Student in
Sociology (ABD), 1987-1992
- Special Fields: Organizations (honors); Economic Sociology
London School of
Economics, London, England
M.Sc., Sociology, 1985
- Thesis: Policing and Riots in the U.S. and U.K.
The Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, MD
B.A., Sociology, 1984
Professional Associations
Law and Society Association
Labor Research & Action Network
Labor & Working Class History Association
Working Class Studies Association
North Carolina Bar Association
NC State Bar Ethics Committee, Advisory Member (2011-2013)
Bar Admissions
Pennsylvania (Retired Status)
Third Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, Eastern District of
Middle District of Pennsylvania